divendres, 30 d’octubre del 2015


Hola a tots avui és Halloween!
Aquest any també voldria dir que també es castanyada!

Bueno per celebrar-ho, aquets dies al meu perfil d’Instagram (que el teniu a baix) hi hauran fotos de la lluna, de foscor, o de terror...
Espero que passeu uns grans dies i que us agradin  de les fotos!

Hello everyone today is Halloween !
Like last year I'll tell you a little story ...
The word refers to the Halloween festivities inherited traditional celebrations of Celtic origin , which has spread rapidly around the world and in particular by the Anglo-Saxon countries .
Many centuries ago in Britain, Scotland and Ireland , on 31 October celebrated the festival of Samhain , which coincided with the last day of the calendar year according to the ancient Celts and Anglo-Saxons . Samhain was the god of the dead. The day was celebrated Samhain , therefore , on New Year's Eve . At that time, bonfires were lit on the mountains to chase away evil spirits .
Bueno to celebrate , these last days my profile Instagram (which have below) there will be pictures of the moon, dark or horror ...
I hope you spend some great days and you enjoy the photos !
Goodbye !

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