divendres, 5 de juny del 2015


Hola avui és el gran dia, em arribat a les 1555 visites,
El mateix dia que veieu aquest article, a Instagram  hi ha Twitter tindreu una fotografia i l’eu de donar retweet i like.
Ara us explico una mica el funcionament:
·1 pas: Donar like i/o retweet
·2 pas: Sumare els likes i els retweets
·3 pas: Donar el guanyador
Moltes gracies a tots!!!

Hi, today is the big day, I reached the 1555 visits
The day you see this article, there are Instagram and Twitter you will have a picture of God to retweet and like.
Now I'll tell you a little operation:
· Step 1: To like and / or retweet
· Step 2: Adds the likes and retweets
· Step 3: Give the winner
Thank you all !!!

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