divendres, 12 de juny del 2015


Hola a tots avui us porto un article d’Informació.
Com sabreu d’aquí molt poc ja arribar el estiu(quines ganes eehh)
Jo, com molts de vosaltres anireu de vacances, o anireu al vostre poble, dons jo igual, però he decidit que tinc prou temps i faré aquets dies lliures, un article per cada divendres.
Així no tindreu cap divendres sense article. El que passarà es que si surt alguna cosa nova, actualitzacions o novetats del blog no podré portar al blog.
Estigueu atens al Twitter i al Instagram.
Moltes gràcies!

Hello everyone today I bring an article of Information.
As you know very little since arriving here in summer (which wanted eehh)
I, like many of you will go on vacation or take you to your people, I like gifts, but I have decided that I will have enough time and these last days off, per an article Friday.
It will not have any Friday without article. What will happen is that if anything new updates or news blog I can not take the blog.
Be stick to Twitter and Instagram.
Thank you!

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