divendres, 25 de desembre del 2015

Bon nadal!

Hola a tots!
Avui com sabreu es dia 25 de desembre i primer de tot des de @photosandsun us vull donar les gràcies per un any magnífic i emocionat!
Avui és un dia per passar en família i passar-ho molt bé, he decidit que avui no hi hauria un article parlant sobre cap fotògraf perquè tampoc el tinc preparat i no seria del tot bo, en canvi he tingut temps de prepara un vidió per el canal de Youtube!
Dismuteu-ho i acabeu de passar unes bones festes!

Hello everyone!
Today as you know is December 25 and fromphotosandsun first of all I want to thank you for a wonderful year and excited!
Today is a day to spend with family and pass it well, I decided that today there would be an article talking about any photographer to not have it ready and it would be quite good, however I have had time to prepare a VIDI for Youtube channel!
Decompose it and just spend a happy holiday!

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